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Blog Articles

Painful calluses after weight loss in Worcester and Westborough, Central Massachusetts

Why do calluses hurt more when I lose weight?

When you lose weight, your body also reduces fat around your feet. This is specially bothersome on the bottom of the foot, because without that extra layer the callus rubs directly against the bone. There are two main ways to stop this kind of pain.
Jun 7th, 2023
Dr. Feldman tips for marathon day success

Dr. Feldman's best advice for Marathon Day

Are you running the 2023 Boston Marathon? Watch and share these tips from Dr. Neil Feldman. Ultramarathoner and triathlete, he ran the Boston Marathon 12 times and finished the Leadman Series in 2022. Learn some of his rituals for success on race day.
Apr 12th, 2023
Webinar Series Recording

Webinar Series

Here is a list of previous webinars that were done in the office by the doctors at Central Massachusetts Podiatry.
Oct 10th, 2023
Best treatments for heel pain, plantar fasciitis, free webinar

Best treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Almost everyday a patient comes in with excruciating heel pain, after trying every tip and spending hundreds of dollars in shoes and products that promise a solution for Plantar Fasciitis. Watch this free CMP webinar before you google or buy anything.
Jan 17th, 2023
How foot neuromas are treated

Learn how foot neuromas are treated

Neuromas main symptoms are a shooting pain between the toes and the ball of the foot and abnormal sensations, like having a pebble inside the shoe or if the sock is bunched up in that area. Learn how these are treated in this webinar with the CMP doctors
Jan 4th, 2023
Webinar about bunions, bunion surgery and treatments. Central Massachusetts, Worcester, Westborough

Watch this webinar if you have bunions

Take advantage of the extra time during the holidays to learn “All About Bunions”: what causes bunions, shoe choice and non-surgical options, bunion surgery, how is post-operation recovery and the possibilities of recurrence. Access the recording here.
Dec 21st, 2022
Back of the heel pain, Achilles tendon inflammation, Achilles Tendonitis, Webinar, Central Massachusetts, Worcester, Westboro

Webinar: All About Achilles Tendonitis

During last year, Dr. Feldman, Dr. Pelto and Dr. Saviet sat down for a virtual roundtable with patients and went over “All About Achilles Tendonitis”. In case you missed it, we recorded that session, which is now available to be watched.
Dec 14th, 2022
Hollow toenail, fungal toenail, onycholysis, fungal infection, Worcester, Westborough

What are the causes for a hollow toenail?

There is a common condition where the nail lifts, hollowing and detaching from the nail bed. This can also occur in the middle or the base of the nail. People think they might have a fungal infection because it may look white or discolored. By Dr. Pelto
Dec 9th, 2022
Shockwave Therapy EPAT Foot pain Worcester Westborough Massachusetts

“Miracle” treatment heals most foot pain

Our patients are getting better faster from Achilles Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis, among other diagnoses, with a treatment that repairs damaged tissues with the growth of new cells. They even like to call it a miracle! By Dr. Donald Pelto
Dec 2nd, 2022
Ganglion Foot Cyst Central Massachusetts Podiatry Worcester Westborough

Do NOT try the Bible method for ganglion cysts

Imagine a whacking a heavy Bible-like book on a patient's foot to burst a ganglion cyst. Historically, this barbaric action once was the mainstream treatment for those "bubble like” growths under the skin and it is known today as “The Bible Method".
Nov 23rd, 2022

CMP doctors answer foot related questions

We want to hear from you! What is your foot, ankle, toenail, shoe or sports related question? Is there a foot diagnosis or condition that you would like to learn more about? A foot product or device that you wish you would have an input from a podiatrist? 
Nov 2nd, 2022
toenail growth misconceptions kill a nail Central Massachusetts Podiatry Worcester Westborough

Three things you didn't know about toenail growth

Very often, patients come to us concerned if their toenail will grow back after trauma or removal, specially because it might feel like the nail is not growing fast enough. Here are three common misconceptions about toenail growth. By Dr. Donald Pelto
Oct 27th, 2022
five secrets to treat plantar fasciitis from home Central Massachusetts Podiatry Worcester Westborough foot heel pain

Five secrets to treat plantar fasciitis at home

One of the main symptoms of plantar fasciitis is pain in the morning, on the first step out of bed. It can hurt on the bottom of the heel and then it gets better after a few minutes. this guide that has already helped many of my patients. By Dr. Pelto
Oct 26th, 2022
Onyfix is like wearing braces on your toenails, a non-invasive and pain free treatment for ingrown toenails

Pain-Free Treatment for Ingrown Toenails

Now it is possible to treat many of the ingrown toenails with a non-invasive and pain-free procedure, with a new nail correction system. Onyfix is like wearing braces on your toenails to correct their shape as they grow.
Oct 10th, 2022
Leadman; Nothing worthwhile is ever easy

Leadman; Nothing worthwhile is ever easy

Read Dr. Neil Feldman's journey on becoming a Leadman at the 2022 Leadville race series, in Colorado. Participants race across the skies in this world-renowned series that includes 100 mile run and mountain bike races.
Sep 27th, 2022
Dr. Kellner talks about the most common bone fracture after an ankle twist

The most common bone fracture after an ankle twist

It can be shocking to a patient to learn that one simple misstep or ankle twist could cause a bone fracture. But ankle sprains are one of the most common causes of the fifth metatarsal fractures - a long bone that connects to the little toe.
Sep 23rd, 2022
Dr. Benjamin Saviet explains how a trip to a Podiatrist is different than going to The Good Feet Store

A Podiatrist’s view of the Good Feet Store

The Good Feet Store is now in Central Massachusetts. We thought it’s important that our other neighbors, friends and patients understand what they do and how a trip to a quality podiatrist is different in myriad ways. By Dr. Benjamim Saviet
Sep 21st, 2022
Dr. Pelto talks about the easy way to put on and take off compression stockings

How to easily put on and take off compression socks

The biggest challenge for people who wear compression socks is how to get them on and off. My gold tip if you are having a hard time with your compression socks is to consider a device called “Doff N’ Donner”. By Dr. Donald Pelto
Sep 7th, 2022
Dr. Samuel Kellner makes a product recommendation for those who suffer with stiff big toe joint pain

This insole can help with big toe joint arthritis pain

This rigid carbon fiber shoe footplate prevents the painful movement of the arthritic big toe joint. The insert can replace, go under or over the sock lines based on whatever is most comfortable. Usually fits most sneakers.
Aug 31st, 2022
Dr. Saviet answers a common question and gives helpful advice on how to proceed after stepping on glass.

What should I do if I step on glass?

We want patients to come see us when there is still an "entry wound" for us to follow. If you wait 2-3 weeks, the track can be healed up and then the simple act of plucking out a sliver of glass becomes a fishing expedition. By Dr. Benjamin Saviet
Aug 30th, 2022
Dr. Donald Pelto talks about porokeratoma or seed corn, a painful small hard bump that can be confused with a callus or a war

Painful like walking on a tiny pebble: Porokeratoma

Have you ever felt pain on the bottom of the foot as if you were constantly walking on a small pebble, especially under a bony prominence? This could be a porokeratoma: a small hard round bump that develops due to a clogged sweat gland. By Dr. Donald Pelto
Aug 22nd, 2022
Dr. Samuel Kellner often gets this question when reviewing X-rays with his patients. These circle shaped masses near the big

X-Ray: What are those circles near the big toe?

These are called sesamoid bones and they perform a specific function: to act as a pulley system. This gives a mechanical advantage to stabilizing the big toe on the ground, and aids with propulsion of the foot when walking or running. 
Aug 16th, 2022
Dr. Benjamin Saviet answers one of the most asked questions from his patients in Central Massachusetts: what's the best shoe

FAQ: What’s the best shoe to wear?

People come in all shapes and sizes and the same is true for feet! “What's the best shoe for me?” is a much better approach that takes into account this reality. By Dr. Benjamin Saviet
Aug 9th, 2022
Dr. Donald Pelto on what are "kissing corns" or soft corns and calluses on the foot, causes and treatments available in Worce

Kissing Corns: A Painful Love Affair On The Foot

“Kissing corns” are calluses or corns that develop between the toes, usually between the fourth and fifth (pinky) digits. The pain happens because the toe bones rub against each other creating little corns that “kiss.” By Dr. Donald Pelto
Aug 1st, 2022
Dr. Donald Pelto explains why you shouldn't try to cut off your shoes if you have a toe fracture. In Worcester and Westboroug

DON’T do this if you have a toe fracture

Recently I had a patient with a toe fracture come into the office wearing a new and unique type of shoe. To take the pressure off the top of her toes, she actually cut open the whole toe area of her sneakers. Here is why you shouldn't do this. By Dr. Pelto
Jul 19th, 2022
Dr. Pelto talks about KeryFlex, a nail restoration system available in Worcester and Westborough that is a great summer hack

Summer Hack: Quick Fix for Ugly Toenails

Can you imagine not wearing sandals for nine years because of your ugly toenails? This happened to a patient I saw recently and she walked out the office crying in relief, joy and proud after a cosmetic nail restoration called KeryFlex. By Dr. Donald Pelto
Jun 15th, 2022
Dr. Saviet explains how Shockwave Therapy can heal calf injuries faster. Treatment is available in Worcester and Westborough.

Calf Injuries: Heal Faster with Shockwave Therapy

The calf muscles are incredibly important for most sports as well as everyday activity. When any of the muscles get injured, this can cause you to miss out on valuable training. Next level treatments can get you better quickly. By Dr. Benjamin Saviet
Jun 3rd, 2022
Dr. Feldman's expert advice on how to choose the best trail running shoes

Choosing the Best Trail Running Shoes

While you may read about all the amazing features the different shoe companies promote to help sell their shoes, the single most important principle to remember when buying a shoe, any shoe, is that it must fit! By Dr. Neil Feldman
May 26th, 2022
Dr. Samuel Kellner tells his experience about trimming his newborn baby toenails and shares a toll that made the process stre

Podiatrist (and dad) approved baby nail trimming tool

When my first baby was born a few months ago, I thought I wouldn’t have any problem trimming his toenails. Was I wrong! I struggled just like every first time parent. Until my wife found the Haaka Electric Nail Care Set.
May 18th, 2022
Dr. Pelto explains foot growth linked to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the fact that people spent more time without

Big Foot: The Pandemic Sasquatch Effect

If your shoe collection is hurting your feet more than normal and that ultra-comfortable pair of sneakers no longer fit, you are not alone. It happened to my wife and several patients in what I'm calling the “Pandemic Sasquatch Effect". By Dr. Donald Pelto
May 11th, 2022
Dr. Saviet talks about the importance of seeing a specialist after an ankle sprain

Untreated ankle sprain can cause long term disability

An ankle sprain that is left untreated or that is not properly diagnosed can cause chronic pain and lead to arthritis or long term disability. As soon as an injury occurs, most people should go straight to a specialist. By Dr. Benjamin Saviet
May 5th, 2022
Dr. Feldman gives basic tips for those who want to start running trails

6 Runner Approved Tips to Start Running Trails Today

Trail running requires minimal gear and delivers big rewards. We will go through six basic tips to ensure your adventure is safe, as well as fun, so you can start trail running today. Also learn about the benefits of running trails. By Dr. Neil Feldman.
Apr 28th, 2022
Dr. Pelto recommends clippers for thick toenails

Try this life-changing product for thick toenails

Once you get thick toenails, regular nail clippers literally won’t cut them. I recently was recommended an affordable nail clipper available on Amazon that does the job. By Dr. Donald Pelto
Apr 14th, 2022
All About Flat Feet

All about flat feet

Flat feet are common to many patients and can cause pain and other concerns. Here is the information and replay from the recent webinar from the doctors at Central Massachusetts Podiatry.
Jan 24th, 2021
2020 Watch

Let’s Go Streaking

In this article Dr. Feldman will go over his running streaks and inspiration.
Jan 6th, 2021
Interview with Tom Ingrassia

Interview with Tom Ingrassia

In this interview Dr. Pelto will go over different ideas with Tom Ingrassia about motivation and inspiration.
Dec 20th, 2019

The 451

Dr Feldman's 2019 Race Summary
Dec 5th, 2019
Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

Here is a video from Dr. Pelto about Diabetes Awareness Month a lecture about common foot conditions.
Nov 26th, 2019
Diabetic Shoe Fitting Tips

Diabetic Shoe Fitting Tips

In this video, Dr. Pelto will go over tips for you if you have diabetes and need diabetic shoes or if you are a person fitting others with diabetic shoes. We will go over many of the common problems that can happen when fitting shoes for diabetics.
Jul 3rd, 2019
The Office Tour

The Office Tour

In this video Dr. Pelto will give a tour of his office at Central Massachusetts Podiatry located in Worcester Massachusetts.
Jul 3rd, 2019
Feet: Young and Older

How to keep your feet healthy and strong throughout life

A really good question came across our social media feed recently; “Tell us how to best care for our feet as we, ahem, become mature!”, this blog post answers this question with suggestions to help keep your feet healthy and strong throughout life.
Jun 20th, 2019
Neil Feldman posing on a run

Running in the Heat

Tips and skill knowledge for running in the heat from podiatrist Neil Feldman, DPM
Jun 5th, 2019
What Shoe Is Best? Shoe Buying Tips

What Shoe Is Best? Shoe Buying Tips

Here is a lecture done for the Worcester Senior center with shoe buying tips. Below you will find the link to the different resources mentioned in the video.
Nov 13th, 2018

Nail Salon Safety and Medinails

In this interview, Dr. Pelto will interview Dr. Robert Spalding the creator of MediNails an online platform to educate and advised the understanding about the nail care industry.
Nov 6th, 2018

Interview with Reilly Sweetland founder of

In this interview we are discussing about being more efficient and effective in life with a website called This will allow people others to be more effective about following up with other and possibly allow your email to get to zero.
Oct 17th, 2018

Compassion Fatigue with Bob Bureau

In this interview we are going to talk more with Mr. Robert Bureau and about coping with difficult times in life both personally and as a caregiver to others.
Oct 17th, 2018

Interview with Dr. Brittany Falcone DC

In this interview for Healthy Living we will look at many aspects of chiropractic care and focus on the specialty of Dr. Falcone which includes prenatal and postpartum care.
Sep 19th, 2018

Tips on Losing Weight Michael Stanton

In this interview we will go over many aspects of living healthier and getting and staying in shape. Michael Stanton has a unique business and shake shop in Worcester.
Sep 19th, 2018