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Trigger Point Tool Exercises

Here is a video explaining how to use the trigger point tools for loosening the back of the calf region.  As well below the video I have included the transcript.

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14 Day Heel Pain Mini-Course


(Transcript Below)

okay we're back to talk a little bit

more about deep tissue massage in the

area of the calf this is to treat

plantar fasciitis and primarily Achilles

tendonitis and

other tendinitis is that can happen such

as peroneal tendon itis and posterior

tibial tendinitis the tools that I find

are the most effective if you want to

get the greatest version of deep

tissue massage tools it's to use the

the trickable and the TP therapy tools

they come with hard balls like this that

have a little covering over the top it

has a roller that if you see it it's a

little bit concave here or convex

right here this is to penetrate deeper

in and it comes with a traditional yoga

block so I'm going to go over how to do

this type of a release in the back of

the calf the anatomy we want to work

with is the gastroc and soleus but also

deep to the gastrocnemius

your flexor hallucis longus your flexor

digitorum longus and these are going to

be the tendons that are running deep to

the gastroc with issues like plantar

fasciitis Achilles tendonitis because

things get tired things get bound down

and they get tight in there they need to

be released and these are the best tools

to release them

so we'll start well by put your ankle

and your calf up here we'll start

with the this is the step one of the

therapy so you're going to take this and

you have a little area of a Dell right

here in the back of your calf you're

going to put the tool right on top and

you're going to slightly roll back and

forth and that's going to have a little

bit of a burn and to basically you want

to be the area where it hurts the most

so you can go back and forth and then

the next step is you roll your foot in a

big circle your that three or four times

and you go the other direction three or

four times and then we're going to lift

the foot up and on the way out you're

going to breathe outward

that's working with the gastroc

soleus and some of the muscles deep now

we're going to go to the peroneal

tendons the Peroni you can go on the

outside and if this is painful for some

people this isn't painful at all you

have to be really careful because if you

go up too high you're going to hit an area

called the fibula or the nerve that's up

here that comes down so just be careful

not to go too high with this and you're

going to roll back and forth if you have a

peroneal tendon itis this is going to help

loosen that up and then the same way

you're going to go one direction three or

four times the other direction three or

four times then you're going to go up and

then breathe out as you go down like

that and then the last muscle complex

we're going to work is the posterior

tibial tendon this is the one that's

going to be many times painful and tight

if you have plantar fasciitis rolling it

back and forth the same way and then

once you find the area where it hurts

the most you're going to go in circles

three or four times three or four times

and you're going to go up and then

breathing out as you go out that's step

one of using the trigger point tools


once you do that we're gonna go on to

step two and this involves using the

ball there's a one ball or two ball

technique basically this ball is gonna

sit in the back of your calf and it's

gonna push into to reach the deep

musculature there in that this many

times the tendons on the bottom of the

foot if you have like hammer toes that

flex down or if you have a problem with

one of the tendons that pulls down the

big toe that can be tight the way you

find out where it hurts is you put the

ball on the back of the calf and you

gently move it back and forth to find

where it hurts once you find an area it


that's called a trigger point when you

find that one area then you hold it

there and you can roll slightly back and

forth and that tends to be quite painful

once you find that you can sit on the

area and that's where you move the foot

in a circle this really hurts this

modality really hurts one direction of

the direction then you can go up and

then breathe out as well

so breathing is really important the two

aspects that are important with

these modalities are breathing and

hydration very similar to when you go

get a massage after you have a massage

you must hydrate well because your

muscles are being rather resting and

relaxing and kind of getting worked out


and the next component is going to be

the two-ball technique with the two ball

technique you take one ball on top of

one ball on the bottom and this one you

turn your foot inward the other way and

you sit it right up on top you can

either use the block or not I'm using

the block to make it a little bit easier

to show and you can put the two ball

technique with one hand on top and

basically, you rub it back and forth

and you find any area that's really

painful and you can massage it this way

you can do with two balls you can also

if you want to you can do it just with

one ball and this is if you have a

trigger point in the posterior tibial

tendon you find out where it hurts you

can go all the way down here to the

Achilles tendon doing this deep tissue

massage on the actual Achilles tendon

isn't very beneficial you want to be in

a muscular area in the back of the calf

that can loosen up so we

recommend finding the area that hurts in

your roll back and forth on that area

you can either do this with one ball or

two ball

one other technique that I wanted to

share is if you if you're moving it with

this with this roller right here and it

doesn't feel like it's working that much

you can plank yourself up a

little bit to get deeper so we're going

to show how you plank up and that really

pushes it in or another technique you

can do both with this or with the form

rollers you can put the other foot on

top so you're saying oh I don't have a

doctor to hold my foot while I'm doing

under physical therapists you can

increase the body weight on top

of this by putting your foot on top and

this can be done both in the back or you

can do it on the inside or on the

outside for this type of a treatment so

this is how you use the trigger point

tools if you're dealing with Achilles

tendonitis and plantar fasciitis


Dr. Donald Pelto Dr. Donald Pelto Dr. Donald Pelto is a Podiatrist at Central Massachusetts Podiatry, in Worcester and Westborough. Author of several books on foot health, he also speaks Portuguese and Spanish. He likes to go on family hikes and loves learning and talking about health related topics and healthy life hacks. Watch some of his interviews about health and video lectures on

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