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Intermittent Fasting Interview with Nadia Brito Pateguana - Part 2

Intermittent Fasting Interview with Nadia Brito Pateguana - Part 2

In this interview Dr. Pelto will go into some more advanced questions about fasting and tips for those interested in learning how to use fasting for weight loss, diabetes and other health benefits. 

Transcript of Video:

hello and welcome to healthy living I'm Dr. Donald Pelto and today I have a special guest Nadia petiguana and she this is a part two session of a little talk we're having on intermittent fast so this is a topic intermittent fasting means eat stop and eat it's the latest crave these days it's a very interesting there's a lot of research going on and Naja is a coach that helps people with getting involved in intermittent fasting so thank you for joining us so I'm gonna start off this this second session here I'll share a little bit for the audience because everyone's curious how I got interested in intermittent fasting I was initially I I was using one of these trackers I was so I had to have a three and a four year old child similar to you some young young kids and I wasn't sleeping and I was stressed all the time and I started to put on weight and was something that you talk a lot about and the obesity code is stress and sleep the two other things that really kind of raise insulin and and so I was putting on and I was trying okay how am I gonna lose this and I didn't have a lot to lose but I was and I was also interested for my patients to help them I've always tried and trying to and a hack the best way to lose weight and stay healthy and I did a lot of things I tried out an app that really helped me but basically that was just eating less was the app and I just tracked what I ate and I did well with that and then I tried there was another program I don't want to give the name of it but you eat a lot of like five or six meals a day and you do all this meal prep so I prepped and I brought a protein in a vegetable and I and I brought like three or four meals during the day and then I was eating all these smaller meals and nothing seemed to work until I came out on this book with intermittent fasting and it just made sense it was a kind of a technical book this obesity code but being in the medical background I could follow it and it really made sense the difference between eating less and then just not eating and also I'm just I want to be I'm a very efficient person and I had a patient that did it and he had lost over a hundred pounds and I had a friend from from my church that I recommended HeLa he's lost about 80 pounds and then I just I I started to do it and I sort of I ease my way into it I started to skip breakfast and then I picked one day a week and I skipped lunch and then ice if you know two meals a week and then I'm up to a point where now I just do Tuesday through Friday I do I eat from 5:30 to 10:30 I know before you told to eat in the morning I just have a hard time eating in the morning I just like to be full when I go to bed so I have about a four or five hour window four days a week I aim for four but I usually end up with three probably because of all the going-away parties at work and things like that and so well I'll fall off a little bit and I've seen great results in I used to work out everyday and now I work out everyone jokes with me I work out Monday and Friday I don't work out Monday through Friday I do high-intensity bootcamps Monday and Friday and I do it in the fasted State on Friday and so I work out and I'm fasted all day long and it just feels great so that's kind of what's worked for me and and I feel like and I go on vacation for two weeks and I fall off the wagon and I eat whatever I want and then I come back and I can go right back to it and that's the nice thing I like about fasting with Thanksgiving Christmas all the holidays I just I do pre fast or post fast and I just feel so much better than I used to be a sole bloated and uncomfortable before but I don't have to go without you can still eat so that's I think it's easier to live with intermittent fasting now it's something I feel like you can do the rest of my life I'm sure you get a lot of your clients that feel that way so let's talk about our first question [Laughter] your thoughts and feelings what when they get into the idea of letting go of eating 10 times a day times a day is they for recommending there is a bit of a preparation to it but for sure I think everyone everyone you will speak to and you have people that you know in your own life that do intermittent fasting feel that way there's only one little thing I wanted to add because I know a lot of people say this and you were saying this at the beginning about how intermittent fasting is in you and then you create but it is the oldest dietary approach right what's talked about yes I think the best is I think I was spent saying all this trendy new thing the trendy new thing is it's times a day okay the trendy new thing is to eat a low-fat diet that's the trendy new thing that didn't work out right that's the that was the the human experiment that that didn't quite work and we seen it he is heat in the graphs and in the obesity rate hit in the diabetes rate since we introduced this six times a day approach since we introduced this low-fat dietary approach things have gotten worse not better but humans haven't lived for 50 years right humans have lived for a couple million of years and so intermittent fasting is the dietary approach that are that our genome has been selected for they survive so initially people fast and not because they wanted to but because wasn't as available they had to before than is available so sore people adapt it to die right in and as the generation came and it got cut down survival of the fittest or whatever you want to call it the the genes that were selected with the genes that adapted to this type of lifestyle fasting it sometimes did not eat the other time and so it's really not the new day it's really the whole thing that we're bringing back I think lots of people are bringing back in one of the problems not problems but why it's not I think as popular is no one's can make any money off of it right for intermittent fasting III my my food bill has gone down almost fifty to a hundred dollars a week do you spend less money I don't have to prep I don't have to cook you know we cook and the meals last a couple of days and things like that so it's a lot easier even in terms of for busy people I know there are certain kind of elite groups now like in the Silicon Valley they're doing intermittent fasting workers they're more productive or you can save money and a lot of other there's a lot of other benefits to it right speak to that a little bit well for sure and again I think when people still haven't wrap their minds around the fact that this is physiologically normal to do this that no it's not going to tell you of course there's YouTube there's an extreme for everything and you need to be properly supervised but we're not most time we're not talking about crazy expense eyes although if you look at the literature the medical literature there have been medically request mass for over three hundred and eighty eight there you know there is a lot of info out there of course there's some concerns but that is not what we're generally small you're talking about it's not our program most often is talking about we're talking about intermittent fast and so yes there's a lot of benefits not just weight loss but we're talking about sort of the the brain clarity a lot of people talk about that silicon valley guys I was telling you in the other segment about the Ultimate Fighting champion who is using intermittent fasting or strength and exercise performance a lot of athlete not gonna mention any names today but you can load this up there's a lot of athletes there's a lot of don't famous people that are coming out and saying this is what I have done and this is what has happened to my my muscle mass you know this is what's happened to my fat body fat percentage my exercise you know clearly a professional athlete doing fasting causing the body heart that would and I think Fido happy or are calling it right in this day you can't really get away with with exercise enhancement drugs then there's too many drug tests so people have to find alternative ways to get their body fit and this is the way right people our ancestors did not get weaker when they had to pass longer they got cheaper because they have to pray they had to hunt and gather further so your body naturally will get stronger the longer you fast why are people finding this so hard to believe as I was saying in the last 50 years I've never gone more than two hours bug-eating women told over and over as you said there's a lot of financial gain and happy people all the time there is no health benefit whatsoever to our children or to our fellows so often but this is what we've been told and it's been fed into our system right so let's talk about no let's let's kind of play a role reversal you're a coach let's say I'm a 65 year old type 2 diabetic that in in a methodical so I've had one below it may be below the knee amputation and my hemoglobin a1c is about an eighth and my eyes aren't too good because I've had some retinopathy in my eyes am i an okay candidate to try fasting and when how would you and how would you get and how would you get me into it you do what you go you do plunge them in or do you go slow what's the best way what would you tell me it depends but I would say are you a great candidate of course and is there one thing that's going to help you this bit now in that state here's someone who needs medical supervision you need fresh girl guidance so yes you need a coach but you also need a medical doctor because you're likely on a lot of medication and that medication is going to have to be addressed right hopefully the goal is to get you in such a great state that you're seeing that medication your blood Sugar's are much better ears of the thing chronic organ damage bad leg that was amputated nothing we can do about that right high damage hopefully you can improve but you may not be able to reverse Barnack damage that's already been done hmm kidney damage and we you know it's it's it I'm glad you're bringing this up because maybe there's a 65 year old diabetic out there who still has both legs still has eyesight right and still has functioning kidney but it's important to know that this II causes chronic organ severe chronic organ damage that can eat to these severe things so can you prevent all of this from happening 100% what's the best way to do it proper a fasting proper medical so let's say okay I'm gonna go every two months to see my doctor okay my endocrinologist my primary care I'm going every two months they're gonna be monitoring things you're only gonna help me with the fast what would you tell me how do I get started in this thing called intermittent fasting do I have to change how I've been eating for the last 65 years you know I know what what you do I just skip breakfast do I go right into it what do you recommend for me good question it's very individualized because I need to know how much medical supervision you're on how much how involved your doctor is if anything at all right I can't give medical advice okay okay I can try no nice all right that's important for you to remember so if I was working with somebody like you dr. Powell so this would be perfect and so we try that and if in one weekend because if I can give the dietary advice I can tell your patient how many times a day they should and we eat people okay she is are some more intense approaches in clinic if they're getting medication to extend it fasting one thing that we didn't stay and is that some of these people are just one step away from going into dialysis right River or their kidney and so if we can stop somebody from falling into dialysis and and you know dr. fun the opportune the fountain co-founder of a program it's a profit but this is how this whole thing I've started that's why you wrote the obesity yeah because figure now but if the problem was high insulin as I said the solution was lower insulin through intermittent fasting and yes some J dietary change focusing on hope as I said before the main thing here is to cut out the process yeah and yes and no you can find your place there with a diet or dietary coaches do help people with your dietary choice well some people are following this triple carb diet some are not but it's intermittent fasting that's the key component so with medical supervision there's a lot more flexibility can do some longer fast shorter fast reduce medication etc with you know with there always has to your as I was saying in the other segment your your patient might my client their doctor hall always has to know what they're doing they may not agree with it but they have to know because they have to be able to help the person beat their medication accordingly because addition will get better the blood sugar will go down the medication will happen let's let's talk for those that are there that are listening and watching they're gonna want to try this so let's say they want it they want to try this they're gonna buy the obesity code book what I liked in obesity code and I think if you'll permit I'm gonna show there's some graphs that he has in the book where it kind of shows kind of eat one day don't eat the other day or these windows of fasting and you probably use these with your clients right and so if if I have permission I can show one of these in the program just kind of show it it looks like or but basically there are there are windows of eating where and so when you're when you're working with people do you have them start like what I did just skip breakfast and then skip one lunch and kind of do it that way or do you have them do a or is it just individual based on the on the on your client you're questionable I think at this point realized that for some of the people that are coming we have already been doing fasting on their own so that's what they're comfortable with I'm not getting as many right off the street I'm so new new be nice know what to do I mean at times I'm not getting that as much I still do but that's not what we're getting a lot of people as you said that have read the books and that are very well or they just want some guided but you know if you are if you're just starting out what are you looking at you're looking to cut out snack period you want to focus on main meals whether that means that you're doing three main meals right breakfast lunch and dinner I think that that's what dr. Fung talks available for the dive I mean first foremost keep it secret if Eric is nuts okay okay eliminate snack especially if you're on medication you are going to have to adjust the medication with your doctor and as you eliminate snacks that you focus on meals things are going to change your numbers are going to change and so there has to be some adjusting try to avoid the dialysis define to get off this medication of course but I find you know there's a part that's that I help them with there's a part of their doctor huh okay so first and foremost what eliminate not secondly as you said and dr. fun says if you're looking to reverse one of these initiatives you're looking way for lower blood sugars but skipping a meal you're here and they're the easiest field to skip promoting she's breakfast okay you just meal because many people are not hungry in the morning if they're not hungry shouldn't you shouldn't eat when you're not hungry and this is the thing that we have been told over and over again you've got to eat more often sleeper for some people hungry they're raising that hormone which is popular eat gone off and this is this is a cascade of events that have been created over time because naturally people don't that often they don't want to eat that off when people start to eat real food again they don't want to eat that off they eat two times a day maybe pray traditional of most traditional cultures are still eating twice today I mean I come from Mozambique as you said in the other segment where I come from people are still doing one or two meals a day really not in the city but in the rural areas yeah what are the two meals lunching in a very early that's a great question they don't have breakfast traditionally they get up very very early they I'm talking people and in the country I'm not talking about people don't work in a bank but people in the countryside get up they go to their to their farms if they call them massamba it's everybody has one of these or they can't eat right they can't go to the grocery store and buy all this they live off the land mostly they have very small limited amount of income to buy it so they go to there they have a piece of land that they farm all day very traditional just like you know probably 100 200 years ago it wasn't many other place and they farmed for hours but some point they may stop and eat something maybe around so they get up and start working at 5:00 6:00 in the morning maybe earlier depending on if winter or summer they stop to eat at some point maybe it's 10:00 a.m. they can't stay out too late if it gets really hot in Africa where I'm from sub-saharan Africa Mozambique so they work for the day and they eat baby if there's leftovers from the night before they have a meal like for lunch maybe 10 o'clock then they go home they bring all them these greens and all of whatever they've been able to gather whatever they have at home they start to make a meal that meal is made from scratch there's a lot of I don't even know the English terms more we should totally honest with you leaders they you know they have to grind up the board or whatever it is that they're collecting they've got the cream they have to extract the milk from the coconut they have to make a milk out of the penis this is my country this takes now it's a labor of love and then the husband's baby come back from work children from school they have one meal together area that meal if there is leftover the children like something in the morning before they go to school and then when they come back this whole process starts all over again Israel in that population it is their high propensity towards obesity metabolic syndrome or is it like in those other cultures that Jason funk talks about you know these other cultures where they they don't have it doesn't exist yeah I'm talking about rural you know Mozambique like every other country has been even developed city I'm from a capital and all people wanted for me was weight loss diet there's huge ok the big signage I mean but in the rural country no not not not so much at times there's a there's a bit of a lack of balance and I'm trying to save the dichotomy of you know for the ears of overfed and effect so it's not the best example but that the example here that I'm using is to show what naturally it would look like it's for living off the land and how you would survive they would eat it would grow their foods and they would eat just like they did back in the days when people were farming in North America they were eating here it you can love it like the issue is not that far away you can look at this it's two meals a day that people had and it was natural and normal mmm very interesting I know it always takes me back and you I lived in Brazil about 20 years ago and when I was there I was shocked just twenty years ago everyone was skinny like all the gentlemen all the men father figures were all skinny everyone 20 years later very few there's still some but very few and it's all because of these eating opportunities I think and just this processed food and so I agree with you're just cutting out the snack to begin with and it's it's it's hard because it's almost like an addiction you know for but I work I know there's programs just deal with that because it is it is an addiction but insulin whether or not you have a addiction if your insulin is high you go into this money all the time mode I used to have a called rebound hypoglycemia well he and then an hour or two later my much of a tremendous because I was producing so much fun because all I sugar the thing I was a very small skinny kid and all a sugar I never ate me I never eat vegetables I hated it tremendously I found out that I does that was a breastfed my mother gave me I think it was a little funny it was nothing ridiculous but I started off my life you know having sugar and then all I wanted was sugar in my whole childhood this is why I developed all those that I told you about very early on in my life because it was a spiral effect they were extra the touch of it was and this will probably hit the sugar addiction there but it really just depends on all my my insulin is minus PI I I mean I can't call my new bitch my insulin is low I'm very satisfied to fridge meal then that's what I eat majority of myself I'm not trying to wait at least not anymore dude I'm trying to lower blood Sugar's not trying to lower blood pressure everything is nice and healthy for me so two meals a day is the ideal situation I think you're able to maintain it is for me yeah well very good um so one of the things that you think would help are our listeners here about intermittent fasting or other other thoughts that you have on it that would help others like can they mix it I know one of the questions when I'm on Weight Watchers or I'm doing this or I'm doing this other one and you do intermittent fasting with these other things I don't think so now wait well I never want to talk too much you don't want you don't want to get in trouble yeah okay yeah I'm sorry it's pretty modest it's all right a lot of the lower calorie pie programs are still falling and less room for approach and for that reason they're recommending that people smaller meals more times a day so right away that takes out the fasting auction no but I think you know then think about that you were in each thing like now people are doing a lot of these eel delivery services right yeah when they get it they can pick he's wonderful meal delivery services and some are better than others for sure and so for sure they can have or they just choose how often but I think you've got the right idea I think no of you both did I Oh the idea is that if you're doing this on your own first of all read about it learn about it I know you said that the all these people this is very scientific it's a nice balance if dr. Fung is known for his the way you put things it is easier than a lot of people even if they're not in the medical field really like to read up watch his videos so lots of good info again warranty that's amazing in it for first nope is in that start yes please so I guess they're slow dr. Fung and Megan write weekly blog posts on our site so all of us is free information in fact all of dr. Fox books are basically on our on counter or blogs on our website IBM Program dot-com slash blog there is a library of you can search in you search function or you can just start their series on obesity there's a series on fasting there's a series on women in fasting I mean you just go through and get it for once you are pretty certain that this is the thing for you you can start this on your own as you said start by cutting up snacks having main meals start by cutting out some meals if you're comfortable with that okay eliminating dunk who's this get to full whatever that means eat you and as you get into this lifestyle you will learn so much and you'll find so many people to listen to now the one last question is intermittent fasting kind of like a diet is it something that you're going to do for a period of time and then stop or is it a lifestyle change it has to be a lifestyle nothing will work short sermon now here's the thing some of these programs that we want to talk about below are not very sustainable but intermittent fasting and and should be it's something that you want to in it's flexible and fluid because maybe this week you're doing this but next week you're doing something a little bit different but the main thing that you know whether you're going to Italy on holiday they'll fall intermittent fasting you're not getting expended fast when you're on a trip so you're having me heals maybe you're being meals and Italy consists of you know pasta and gelato that's okay you're still having main meals and that's what you're eating during your trip I still don't see a reason at times a day although that's what I used to do but that's what got me into trouble so I I wouldn't want to go back to that ever I don't like how I feel yeah and the nice thing like you said when you're on holiday or when it's a time of feasting you can feast without feeling guilty that's the that's I think that's a nice spin of it I've intermittent fasting good so if people are wanting to learn anyway if people want to learn more nagi about about you about intermittent fasting or what what's the website that they can go to so our program as I said is called intensive dietary management it's IBM program altogether IBM program dot-com and then under there you can look at our personalized coaching option there's a membership option for the people that want to do this on their own we call that our do-it-yourself program there is the blog not as I said are accessible and free you can sign up for a 12-week course free there's a lot of really good information then Megan and dr. Fineman put together and then there's us the coaches there's eight of us right right when I just thank you so much for your time it's been great chatting with you here on healthy living===

Dr. Donald Pelto Dr. Donald Pelto Dr. Donald Pelto is a Podiatrist at Central Massachusetts Podiatry, in Worcester and Westborough. Author of several books on foot health, he also speaks Portuguese and Spanish. He likes to go on family hikes and loves learning and talking about health related topics and healthy life hacks. Watch some of his interviews about health and video lectures on

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