(508) 757-4003

Where does candy corn come from?

Foot fun


Do you like candy corn, think again!

What our patients say

“Dr. Saviet is kind, caring, and attentive”

Dr Saviet is kind, caring, and attentive. During both pre-op and post stop he listens to any concerns and explains what to expect without making you feel rushed. Truly a great Dr. His staff is the best! From the front desk, to scheduling, to the cast room all were a joy!

Betsy M.

“He is very confident and has high standards.”

It was a wonderful experience talking to the doctor. He is very down to earth and easy to talk to. He took the time to explain everything to satisfaction. He is very confident and has high standards.

David J.


Keeping kids away from the screen

If you are a parent or grandparent you know the struggle to keep the kids away from the screens. They use them at school, they want to use them at home. ๐Ÿ  I made a rule recently to end video games on school days.

The main problem lies in the lack of time most school days due to our other activities and they the kids get irritated and frustrated ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

I didn’t think my son listens to me until I saw him bring back this homework ๐Ÿ“„ the other day from school. I guess he did hear me and let’s see how long we can hold out during the school week with screens.

Got any tips that work for you send them over and I will share on a future newsletter.

I guess the kids listen to what we say.


Handouts about shockwave

We have many patients that are interested in Shockwave. You have noted we have been talking about it for this last few issues of our newsletter. As we finish up I want to put in the newsletter a brochure about shockwave if you want to learn more.

This treatment has transformed how we practice in the office. All since Dr. Saviet convinced Dr. Feldman and me about trying out this treatment. Dr. Saviet wrote a great article you might enjoy. Included a link to his article HERE.


Is shockwave used only on the foot?

Every day in our clinics we perform an almost magical treatment called Shockwave therapy. This procedure is done in the office and uses acoustical (sound) waves to break down and help repair tissue in throughout the body.

I wanted to show you that it is not used only on the foot. You can see there is a list of conditions that are treated and the conditions that have an asterisk (*) are FDA approved for treatment. One of them is plantar fasciitis that we frequently see in the office.

If you want to read the whole article from Mayo Clinic you can see it HERE.


Foot pain not getting better you might need shockwave therapy, give us a call to see.

Call us at 508-757-4003 to make an appointment with Dr. Neil Feldman, Dr. Donald Pelto, Dr. Benjamin Saviet, or Dr. Matthew Monette.

To your health,

Dr. Pelto